Research Photos from Sussex
Chichester: Searching for a location for Lucy's gallery, I found the perfect area in Westgate. Imagine the gallery with her flat upstairs is tucked somewhere in here.
From the gallery Lucy could look up the street to see the cathedral spire.
I bought my modern maps and guides here and I guess Lucy bought her books here too. See you guys in March!
Chichester Cathedral is beautiful! The spire can be seen from miles around - and was used as a landmark when flying to and from Westhampnett.
The lovely Chichester Cross, built in the late 15th Century at the heart of the city (Not strictly relevant but you can tell I am a medievalist at heart.)
I spent a long time at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum at Singleton which is a wonderful place and well worth a visit if you are ever nearby. I was searching for some prototype cottages, farm houses and farm buildings on which to base my settings, both in the present day and in the 1940s. (I remember villages in the 1950s where all the buildings looked like these. I even found a horse at work which looked like Bella.
And here in the distance you can see the Downs.